thanks for checking out my posts!
I am in the process of moving stuff hosted externally here. In the meantime, here's links to them:
- Deploying graphql-yoga with Now 2.0 (Dev)
- Functional styled-components Theme Helpers (Medium)
- REST Easy with Apollo Client (Medium for OPENGraphQL)
I also like giving presentations at JavaScript meetups, here's slides to some of them:
- Oh God Not Another Framework: An Introduction to Svelte
- Animating React with Framer Motion
- Pokedex Coded During Above Presentation
- Stay Suave with Styled Components
- A Talk About Talks (my favorite presentation I've given!)
- ES6 and Beyond
Better Context with React HooksAugust 29, 2019
Deploying graphql-yoga with Now 2.0February 25, 2020